From the editorial of Issue 1: "There are approximately twelve billion literary magazines, ranging from the shiny and well-paying to the photocopied and stapled. So why did we decide to enter the stramash? After dipping our toes into the indie publishing world, we noticed that the same names kept popping up in every magazine. They were good writers, no doubt, but surely there were new voices out there. At Fractured West, we do not care who you are. We do not care where else you have published. We don’t solicit work, and we consider all submissions. The slush pile is our friend."
The stories in Fractured West come from all over the world; they are eerie and they are sexy, honest, raw, sweet and bizarre. Issue 1 includes Canada's Fan Li, Sweden's e.g. Jönsson, America's Robert Hinderliter and the U.K.'s Kay Sexton, along with 18 other writers of deliciously addictive short short fiction. These stories are as varied as they are evocative; some will keep you up at night, some show you the world in a new way, and others simply make you smile every time you remember them. You can read a selection of stories from issue 1 online: Fractured West - Current issue.
About Fractured West
Fractured West is a new literary magazine for flash fiction, prose poetry, microfiction, sudden fiction, vignettes, and short short stories. Check the submission page for details. The magazine is edited by Kirsty Logan and Helen Sedgwick.
Helen Sedgwick is a writer, editor and creative writing tutor living in Glasgow. She writes novels, short stories, flash fiction, book reviews and non-fiction, and is represented by Kevin Pocklington of Jenny Brown Associates. She graduated from the University of Glasgow’s MLitt in Creative Writing in 2008 and has also worked as a research scientist and musician.
Kirsty Logan won her first literary contest at the age of 8, and has been going mostly downhill ever since. She writes, edits, teaches, reviews books and works in a tea-shop in Glasgow, Scotland. She is currently working on her first novel, 'Little Dead Boys'. She likes coffee cupcakes and sticking pins in maps.
Fractured West - Issue 1
60 pages
subscription 1 issue £4.99 (incl. P&P)
related links: first issues, short stories
haven't heard of this one! thanks for the info :)