This book was initiated by author Greg McQueen. The project website for this book is: 100 stories for Haiti. Read the starting moment of the book in "About", and visit the participating auhors in "Meet The Authors". The list of participating authors and their stories is also up: 100 Stories for Haiti - Revised List. It starts with 1. All-Or-Nothing by Nick Harakaway, and ends with 100. Haiti Before the Earthquake by Susan Partovi.
Proceeds go to helping the victims of the Haiti earthquake.
Bestselling author Nick Harkaway contributed a story and penned the book’s introduction. Tania Hershman, author of The White Road and Other Stories, and prize-winning author, Vanessa Gebbie, are also featured in the book, along with other published authors and first-timers.
About Bridge House Publishing
Bridge House Publishing was conceived by Editor Gill James in 2008. Even though they are a new publisher, they have produced by end 2009 nine titles. Realising the potential and market for well written, innovative anthologies Gill brought on board Publicist, Debz Hobbs-Wyatt and Business Administrator, Nicola Rouch.
Bridge House Publishing is a fully fledged new publishing company specialising in anthologies showcasing both new and established writing talent. Their next titles are: Twelve Days, an anthology of 12 unusual adult stories for the long dark nights of winter, and a special Charity Book Animal Anthology.
100 Stories for Haiti
story collection, 292 pages
ISBN: 978-1907335037
What a generous person he must be. This anthology is living proof of the collective kindness found in many writers and artists