Wednesday, March 31, 2010

jambandbootleg - Paul Siegell (A-Head Publishing)

You’re at your computer. Tickets are a tense, electrifying few seconds from going on sale. Eyeing the time, you’re hitting “Refresh,” and elsewhere, all your friends are doing the exact same thing. That’s Paul Siegell’s jambandbootleg. A widespread, high-spirited head rush. Desperation, fretfulness—all out life-leaping. “The party starts in the parking lot,” indeed. With poems shaped like a guitar, the American flag, even a Golgi apparatus, Paul’s monumental artworks could easily transform into posters. His is a poetry of exploration, heart and astonishment. Simply put: read Paul Siegell’s music. Read it as if listening to the bangingest bootleg.

“For centuries, people have tried to take words and turn them into music. What Paul Siegell does in his collection of poetry, jambandbootleg, is take music and turn it back into words. And he does it exceptionally well, capturing both the excitement of concert-going and the poetic essence of the improvisational music scene.” —Marc Brownstein, bass player of the Disco Biscuits.

The poems of jambandbootleg arose in 5AM, BlazeVOX, Kulture Vulture, MiPOesias, Moria, New Pony: A Horse Less Anthology, Otoliths, PFS Post, Pinstripe Fedora, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Press 1, RATTLE, SAWBUCK, Shampoo, Siren, SOFTBLOW, Sous Rature, Three Rivers Review and Umbrella Journal.

Paul Siegell is an editor at Painted Bride Quarterly and has contributed to The American Poetry Review, Coconut, Dusie, EOAGH, No Tell Motel and many other fine journals. He has also been featured in two national music and culture magazines, Paste and Relix, as well as elsewhere exciting. :Paul's other poetry collections: wild life rifle fire (2010) and Poemergency Room (2008) have been published by Otoliths, an Australian-based small press that focuses on contemporary text & visual poetry.

About A-Head PublishingA-Head Publishing is a west coast company with an east coast mentality. Founded in northern California, amidst the rolling quiet of Nicasio, the operation feels more like Ellis Island, where new writers leave old homes behind, to start a better life. If you feel under the industry, rather than in it, A-Head is probably a better fit. We print attitude, rather than burn it, and in our world, there's more than enough to go around. A-Head has also published the fiction books Treatise and Burning Babies by Noah Cicero.

Paul Siegell: jambandbootleg
poetry collection
122 pages, 9x7 paperback, $12
ISBN-10: 098162832X
ISBN-13: 978-0981628325

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Predicate - volume one (Brown Paper)

Predicate is a bi-annual journal of literary dialogue from Brown Paper Publishing. Each edition features dialogues from a variety of independent novelists, poets, and authors of short-fiction. These authors participate in a three-tiered dialogue process with novelist and Brown Paper Publishing founder Pablo D’Stair. The dialogues are set through a particular filter selected by D’Stair, but the subject, direction, nuance, and conclusion of each dialogue is dictated by the artists. These dialogues are not offered as simply introductory Q & A sessions, nor as advertisements for any particular volumes—these rather are Portraits of the Artist: their individual drives, their thoughts on influences and contemporaries, and their in-depth feelings as to every minutia and nuance of the question "What Is Literature?"
Predicate is meant to position independent literature where it rightfully should be—at the forefront of earnest, imperatively considered literary discourse. Every edition of Predicate is sold as inexpensively as possible and is made available as a free PDF download on the site.

The first edition features dialogues with authors Mel Bosworth (When The Cats Razzed The Chickens), Darrell Epp (Imaginary Maps), Michael Paul Gonzalez (Angel Falls—currently in the semi-finals of the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award), Natalija Grgorinic and Ognjen Raden (Mr. And Mrs. Hide), Caleb J Ross (Charactered Pieces), and xTx (I Dreamed I Fucked Stephen King While We Were Both On Vacation In The Cayman Islands With Our Spouses).

Pablo D’Stair’s own works (Kaspar Traulhaine; approximate; i poisoned you; bleed the ghost empty, bleed the ghost dead (forthcoming in June 2010) and witness nothing (forthcoming in September 2010) are distributed through Brown Paper Publishing in print editions absolutely free of charge in exchange for active reader feedback—positive, negative, or ambivalent. In the event readers do not wish to offer feedback, a purchase at cost option exists and the novels sell for either $3 or $3.50.

About Brown Paper Publishing
An independent literary press representing the works of novelists and writers of short fiction, Brown Paper Publishing is dedicated to presenting contemporary works of progressive literature. As a not-for-profit press, to Brown Paper Publishing literature is something that must be a direct expression of an individual concerned only with the craft and nuance of the art form, something created entirely outside of the demands of a marketplace–ideally, it is something created without regard for publication, distribution, critique or even readership: Literature-for-the-sake-of-Literature.

Predicate - volume one
dialogues on literature
350 pages, trade paperback, $6.50
also available as free download
ISBN 978-1-43829-199-4

Monday, March 29, 2010

ETA - Delphine Pontvieux (Miss Nyet)

Delphine Pontvieux's ETA - Estimated Time of Arrest explores the ever current theme of terrorism, but with an original twist, since it is set in the heart of the Basque country, a region trapped between France and Spain, and struggling for its independence for many decades.
After participating in a pro-separatist march that turned violent in January of 1992, 21-year-old Lorenzo Lartaun Izcoa is wrongly charged with the fatal bombing of a police station in his home town. Irun is located right on the border between France and Spain, on the Atlantic Ocean. Lartaun finds himself on the Spanish Secret Service's "most wanted" list, branded an active member of the Basque terrorist group ETA.
He flees to Mexico where he lives in exile for two years, before being offered a chance to return to Europe with a new identity, in exchange for a favor for his boyhood friend. That favor, however, will prove to be more than he can handle once he finds out that Patxi is planning for a big event to shake Spanish politics.
What sets this thriller apart from many others is the in-depth view of the characters and the friendships that serve to advance the story. And while the characters and events depicted are entirely fictional, references to real life political culture and geographic locales make this story credible, giving the reader a chance to learn about the Basques and their homeland.

Delphine Pontvieux was born in Versailles and grew up in France. She graduated from the University of Burgundy in Dijon. She also lived, studied and worked in Australia, the USA, Spain and the Netherlands until she moved to Chicago, Illinois, in 1998, where she still lives today. Delphine loves the mountains and the seas. She is a scuba instructor, cave and technical diver, and ocean conservation advocate. As a writer, she regularly contributes to international diving publications.

About Miss Nyet
Miss Nyet Publishing is an independent venue dedicated to finding talented and creative writers with a unique voice in a wide array of fiction genres, with a preference for thrillers, suspense, romance and horror. An interview was recently up in the Small Press Review: Small Press Profile - Miss Nyet Publishing.

Delphine Pontvieux: ETA
344-page hardcover
US$ 18,95
ISBN 978-09842176-0-1

Friday, March 26, 2010

Indefinite Space 2010

Indefinite Space: Trees + bodies + minds, wilderness + birds, music—art, sea + sand compose the pages, as do situations, relationships, gardens, ghosts, and suns.

The 2010 edition of Indefinite Space contains work from 32 poets & artists: Aviva Englander Cristy, Felino Soriano, Jane Thompson, Ranjani Murali, Matina L. Stamatakis, Derek Henderson, Will Morris, Sarah Ahmad, Caitlyn Paley,
John Hocter, Kristen Ravel, Crag Hill, Doug Bolling, William Garvin, John Cross,
Nico Vassilakis, Ursula Ziegler, Kat Dixon, Talia Reed, Caitlin Johnson, Rebecca Mertz,
Guy R. Beining, Marina Blokker, Jeanne Shannon, Andrew Topel & Scott Helmes, Peter Layton, TWIXT,
David Spiering, Melissa Cannon, Dorothee Lang, and Matthew Joy.

Indefinite Space is edited by Marcia Arrieta, whose first chapbook experimental: was published by potes & poets press. Her second chapbook the curve against the linear is part of The Quartet Series— An Uncommon Accord, published by toadlily press. She has a MFA in poetry from Vermont College.

About Indefinite Space
Marcia Arrieta founded Indefinite Space in 1991 after receiving a grant for her work from the Pasadena Arts Council. She has continued to publish the journal independently for 18 years. Indefinite Space has a penchant for the avant-garde, the philosophical, the minimal (but not always), the natural, and the intangible.

Indefinite Space 2010
48 pages
single issue $7
ISSN 1075-6868

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Prefab Eulogies - David Wolach (Blaze Vox)

David Wolach’s powerpoems imagine us into a world where prefab texts, codes, lists, templates, and schemas rebel into habitations, “testy machines” and “the dumpster in a field abandoned by an American minimalist.” Prêt-a-lire never had it so right-on funny or fierce. Box it to go and take it away. —Amy King

Wolach says: "This is a transitional book in many ways--though coming out now, much of it is earlier than the poetry I've published in more recent chapbooks. Hence, the book reflects (if anything) a transition from installation and performing arts into the questions of contemporary poetry, with which I'd been engaged for those years, but which I'd only written about--until falling ill, which really meant, for me, being unable to move in ways that I'd been used to in performance and in daily life.
Questions of how to incorporate earlier performance work into this book, larger-scale site-specific installation pieces, or how to translate that set of interests onto the page, became the interesting problems I had to address, hence the "hybrid" or "conceptual" feel to much of the book. So, Prefab Eulogies spiders out of the book itself, onto other platforms, e.g., the BlazeVox Prefab Eulogies website, where one can listen to a live recording of some of Nothings Houses."

David Wolach is founding editor of Wheelhouse Magazine & Press, and curator of the series devoted to the intersection of experiments in texts & radical politics, PRESS. David's new book, Occultations, is forthcoming from Black Radish Books, and will be launched, along with forthcoming books by Brenda Iijima, Dorothea Lasky, and Eleni Stecopolous on April 13th, as part of Belladonna Books' "Year of New Books/New Releases" reading series. (

About Blaze Vox (+Blaze Vox Journal)
Blaze Vox Books publishes poetry, short stories, experimental fiction, literary criticism (including companions, studies and histories), their catalog includes 160 titles with 25 new releases. Staff: Editor-in-chief: Ezra Pound; acting editor: Goeffrey Gatza. There also is Blaze Vox - The Journal, current issue: Blaze Vox 2k9.

David Wolach: Prefab Eulogies
poetry collection
116 pages, paperback, $16
ISBN: 9781935402688

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bone Worship - Elizabeth Eslami (Pegasus)

The debut novel from author Elizabeth Eslami, Bone Worship, explores the perilous intersection of familial and cultural mysteries, balancing the pull of tradition, the promise of the future, and all the possibilities in between.
Eslami tackles what it means to be a mixed race woman bearing the weight of romantic and familial expectations, from the rural American South to metropolitan Iran. American born Jasmine Fahroodhi struggles to connect with her Iranian father while also trying to find herself, all with the possibility of an arranged marriage looming in the background. Bone Worship is a bracing take on a cultural coming-of-age story, and Eslami’s voice, at once witty and poignant, is unforgettable.

Born in South Carolina in 1978, Elizabeth Eslami holds a BA from Sarah Lawrence College and an MFA in creative writing from Warren Wilson College. She has published short fiction and non-fiction in over a dozen magazines, including G.W. Review, Minnesota Review, Crab Orchard Review, and Matador, among others. Her debut novel, Bone Worship, received rave reviews in Library Journal and Booklist, and Eslami has been called “one of the freshest new voices in literature.” She lives in Eugene, Oregon.

About Pegasus Books
Pegasus Books, home of editor-in-chief Claiborne Hancock, editor Jessica L. Case, and art director Michael Fusco is “dedicated to the aim of independent publishing that stimulates the intellect and the imagination.” Their interests include history, philosophy, memoir, biography, literary fiction, and noir thriller. Pegasus believes that “good literature is essential to the health of our cultural life” and works to engender “vital dialogue” between its authors and readers.

Elizabeth Eslami: Bone Worship
368 pages, paperback, $15.95
ISBN: 978-1-60598-074-4

Monday, March 22, 2010

One Damn Thing After Another - Tim Hall (OW)

One Damn Thing After Another builds on the themes of word contagion and weaponized memes that the author explored in his previous book, 2009’s How America Died. Many of the characters in these stories have likewise been sickened by language: they exchange psychotic emails, adopt covert online personas, write fictitious book reviews and preach the authoritarian philosophies of Ayn Rand, oblivious to the harm they might be doing to themselves or others.

A scholar and a dropout clash in The Condition. Fact and fiction blur in Drunken Fantasies, Vol. 1 as the author takes readers on a painfully funny tour through the insanity of his own booze-fueled grandiosity. For those who remain undeterred by these warnings, the author has also included a supplement that shows readers How To Be An Underground Lit Legend by employing many of the same tactics.

Tim Hall is native of New York City. He now lives in a small town in northeastern Illinois with his wife and son, simply because he couldn’t quite jump far enough to reach California. One Damn Thing After Another is his fifth book.

About OW Press
OW Press is the publishing extension of the Outsider Writers Collective. Officially formed in 2009, OW Press publishes books by Outsider Writers Collective members and contributors. The press currently has four titles, most recently Tim Hall’s book and Caleb J Ross’s Charactered Pieces: stories. Forthcoming in the fall of 2010, in collaboration with Tainted Coffee Press, is Shome Dasgupta’s chapbook i am here And You Are Gone.

Tim Hall: One Damn Thing After Another
Story Collection, 2010
72 pages, paperback, $8 direct from press, $10 via
ISBN 978-1599482378

Friday, March 19, 2010

Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction (Rose Metal)

With its unprecedented gathering of 25 brief essays by experts in the field, The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction meets the growing need for a concise yet creative exploration of the re-emerging genre popularly known as flash fiction. The book's introduction provides, for the first time, a comprehensive history of the short short story, from its early roots and hitherto unknown early publications and appearances, to its current state and practice. This guide is a must for anyone in the field of short fiction who teaches, writes, and is interested in its genesis and practice.

Featuring essays by: Steve Almond, Rusty Barnes, Randall Brown, Mark Budman, Stace Budzko, Robert Olen Butler, Ron Carlson, Pamelyn Casto, Kim Chinquee, Stuart Dybek, Pia Z. Ehrhardt, Sherrie Flick, Vanessa Gebbie, Tom Hazuka, Nathan Leslie, Michael Martone, Julio Ortega, Pamela Painter, Jayne Anne Phillips, Jennifer Pieroni, Shouhua Qi, Bruce Holland Rogers, Robert Shapard, Deb Olin Unferth, Lex Williford.

Tara L. Masih is editor of The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction, and author of the short story collection, Where the Dog Star Never Glows (Press 53, 2010). She received an MA in Writing and Publishing from Emerson College.

About Rose Metal Press:
Founded by Abby Beckel and Kathleen Rooney in 2006, Rose Metal Press is an independent, not-for-profit publisher of hybrid genres specializing in the publication of short short, flash, and micro-fiction; prose poetry; novels-in-verse or book-length linked narrative poems; and other literary works that move beyond the traditional genres of poetry, fiction, and essay to find new forms of expression. The press’s upcoming 2010 season includes The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry, edited by Gary McDowell and F. Daniel Rzicznek; We Know What We Are by Mary Hamilton (winner of the fourth annual Rose Metal Press short short chapbook contest); and Color Plates by Adam Golaski.

The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction
essay anthology
208 pages, paperback, $15.95
ISBN: 978-0978984861

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thaw - Fiona Robyn (Snowbooks)

Ruth is thirty two years old and doesn't know if she wants to be thirty three. Her meticulously-ordered lonely life as a microbiologist is starved of pleasure and devoid of meaning. She decides to give herself three months to decide whether or not to end her life, and we read her daily diary as she struggles to make sense of her past and grapples with the pain of the present. Thaw explores what makes any of our lives worth living. Can Red, the eccentric Russian artist Ruth commissions to paint her portrait, find a way to warm her frozen heart?

A page of Ruth's diary will be posted every day for the next three months in the Thaw blog, here the starting post: Welcome.

Fiona Robyn is an author and a blogger living in rural Hampshire in the UK with her cats Fatty and Silver. Thaw is her third novel.

About Snowbooks
Snowbooks is a feisty, award-winning independent book publisher, founded by Emma Barnes and Rob Jones, and later joined by Anna Torborg and James Bridle. They've been going since 2004 when their first books were launched. Since then they have sold hundreds of thousands of books, been nominated for and won lots of prizes, and have generally had a blast. Their authors include Thomas Emson and Sarah Bower, and they publish across genres.

Fiona Robyn: Thaw
novel, 2009
350 pages, paperback
ISBN: 9781906727093

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Odes to Tools - Dave Bonta (Phoenicia Publishing)

Odes to Tools is a collection of 25 poems inspired by common hand tools, from the socket wrench and shovel to scissors and forks. At the same time down-to-earth and philosophical, the author says that in these poems he was asking, "what if we actually were tools? Doesn't a favorite tool often become more than just an instrument of the worker's will? Doesn't every successful tool in fact acquire a bit of an aura, sometimes even a personality? How well do any of us know the tools we take for granted?"

Dave Bonta, well-known to many readers as one of the co-editors of qarrtsiluni online literary magazine and author of the blog Via Negativa, was born in 1966, which makes him just three years older than the Internet. Though he lives on a remote mountainside in rural Pennsylvania, Dave says he's "not nearly as handy" as these poems might suggest, and that his favorite tool is actually the computer mouse.

About Phoenicia Publishing
Phoenicia Publishing, located in Montreal, publishes poetry, non-fiction, fiction, and photography, and is interested in "words and images that illuminate culture, spirit, and the human experience." The press's founder, Elizabeth Adams, says that a particular interest is on writing about travel between cultures — whether literally or more metaphorically — with the goal of enlarging our understanding of one another through experiences of change, displacement, disconnection, assimilation, sorrow, gratitude, longing and hope.

Dave Bonta: Odes to Tools
poetry chapbook,
32 pages with full color cover, $6.95
ISBN 978-0-9781749-9-6

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Deer & Other Stories - Susan Tepper (Wilderness House)

Deer & Other Stories is a collection of literary fiction about the search for love, the disappearance of love, the mystery of love. Much of this collection takes place during the Vietnam War years. The deer that populate these 11 stories, whether real deer or imagined, made of skin and blood and bone, used as plastic lawn ornaments, even a wire stage prop, pad in and out of the characters' lives as mirror-images reflecting all the beauty, splendor and fear both species engender.

Author Susan Tepper has published over 100 stories and poems in journals and anthologies worldwide. She has received five nominations for the Pushcart Prize and has been nominated for National Public Radio Selected Shorts Series. Additionally, she is Assistant Editor of Istanbul Literary Review, and hosts the reading series FIZZ at KGB Bar in NYC. Susan is currently in search of a publisher for her new novel. She calls it a quirky "road book" involving five unlikely travel companions who take a chaotic drive from New Jersey to Colorado during winter.

About Wilderness House (+WHLReview)
Deer & Other Stories is published by Wilderness House Press in Littleton, Massachusetts. The press also publishes the online magazine WHLReview and its annual 'The Best of Wilderness House Literary Review' print anthology. Wilderness House Press publisher Steve Glines and editor Doug Holder are interested in books of literary fiction and poetry. Forthcoming is Dosha, a novel of gypsy intrigue, and several story collections.

Susan Tepper: Deer & Other Stories
story collection
112 pgs, paperback
ISBN 978 0 578 02479 0

Monday, March 15, 2010

mlp [First Year] (Mud Luscious)

[First Year] is an anthology of everything Mud Luscious Press has printed in their four-by-four chapbooks beginning in 2008 & going through to the end of 2009 & featuring the writing of ken baumann, shane jones, jimmy chen, brandi wells, blake butler, nick antosca, sam pink, james chapman, colin bassett, michael kimball, jac jemc, kim chinquee, kim parko, norman lock, randall brown, brian evenson, michael stewart, peter markus, ken sparling, aaron burch, david ohle, matthew savoca, p. h. madore, johannes göransson, charles lennox, ryan call, elizabeth ellen, molly gaudry, kevin wilson, mary hamilton, craig davis, kendra grant malone, lavie tidhar, lily hoang, mark baumer, ben tanzer, krammer abrahams, joshua cohen, eugene lim, c. l. bledsoe, joanna ruocco, josh maday, & michael martone as they first appeared in mud luscious print & here collected all together

About Mud Luscious Press (+Mud Luscious)
Mud Luscious Press is an independent small press of aggressive and raw literature, founded and run by J. A. Tyler. The press also publishes the online magazine Mud Luscious Magazine and runs a novel(la) series including We Take Me Apart by Molly Gaudry (2009), An Island Of Fifty by Ben Brooks (2010), When All Our Days Are Numbered by Sasha Fletcher (2010), I Am A Very Productive Entrepreneur by Mathias Svalina (2011), and The Hieroglyphics by Michael Stewart (2011).

[First Year]
Anthology, 2009
298 pages, paperback, $15

Friday, March 12, 2010

Unheralded Artists of BC #2 (Mother Tongue)

The Unheralded Artists of BC is a beautiful, lively and well-written series dedicated to introducing many forgotten 20th-century Canadian British Columbia artists to the people while recognizing their artistic significance.

Filled with rare art reproductions and artists’ personal photographs, this 2nd book in the series - Life & Art of Frank Molnar, Jack Hardman & LeRoy Jensen - introduces the talent of three BC artist-mentors who worked and exhibited from the 1950s on in Vancouver, Burnaby, Victoria and Salt Spring Island, yet are known only to a few. Their common bond was their choice not to embrace, chameleon-like, the various artistic trends of the era, but to work passionately towards perfecting their own ‘timeless and individuated styles’. This book honours their important contribution to the BC art scene and tells the untold stories.

About Mother Tongue Publishing
Formerly Mother Tongue Press, Mother Tongue Publishing concentrates on publishing unique, bold and stimulating books of British Columbia art history, fine art and literature. Recent publications include Rocksalt: An Anthology of Contemporary B.C. Poetry, edited by Mona Fertig & Harold Rhenisch, and 4 Poets - this new BC poets series features emerging and established BC poets in a fresh format that explores the broader scope of the poet’s work. The first issue included poets Elza, Morin, Rempel & Yawnghwe.

The Life & Art of Frank Molnar, Jack Hardman & LeRoy Jensen
144 pages CDN $34.95
Trade paperback with French flaps
95 colour and b&w plates

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Reb Livingston - God Damsel (No Tell)

Just because fairy tales don’t exist doesn’t mean we don’t need them—need their promise of a happily ever after—need their heightened, fanciful language to infuse our flat, modern vernacular with pomp and poof and oompf—but need especially their infusion of momentous meaning into our seemingly pointless actions and humdrum adult lives.

Through that hole of need enters Reb Livingston’s stunning God Damsel: a pyrotechnic, syntactical orgy wherein the speaker’s both creator and victim of a world that mirrors our own in disappointment and loss. She’s a creator of her own language, yet a victim of the limitations of all language. The poems are like the bizarre, hybrid-mutant animals slithering around the island of Dr. Moreau—cross-breeds of humor, whimsy, sharp intelligence, and deep—near unspeakable—sadness. I can hear Henry Darger’s Vivian Girls eerily reciting from God Damsel, like a primer, in unison. Do avoid the dreaded Woe-Dodo, and take a stroll through the puffy pink clouds (careful to avoid the inky-icky black pits) of God Damsel-land. - Jennifer L. Knox

Reb Livingston is also the author of Your Ten Favorite Words (Coconut Books, 2007). She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and son.

About No Tell Books (+ No Tell Motel)
Cousin to poetry magazine No Tell Motel and founded in 2006, No Tell Books is an independent press specializing in poetry. Upcoming titles for 2010 are Glass is Really a Liquid by Bruce Covey and Crushes by Lea Graham.

Reb Livingston: God Damsel
Poetry, 2010
146 pages, paperback, $16.99
ISBN 978-0-9826000-0-9

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Inconceivable Wilson - J. A. Tyler (Scrambler)

A woman in a red dress, ankles strapped in shoes, leaving a man at the airport, at a terminal, holding a photograph of him, this man, and on the back only written: Wilson.

Forgive him, he has become so much less now.

Wilson goes: planes, boats, walking until the sun quits rising, until the sun stops existing, and there he begins, there he becomes. A place where the trees change shape and purpose, the environment lost to nothingness, where people speak in clatters and clicks, incomprehensible. And Wilson unties within their circle, these people of pitch and tar, this village, these men and their women, their children. He should be reading them, writing words, penning a culture, creating a world from the tips of sentences, but he is instead consumed by them, hearing always and only the rattling of bones and laughter. Curtains open and he becomes less.

Forgive him, he should not have gone.

Go, he has gone. Go Wilson. He goes.

"Laid out in the form of 100 small prose-poems, the novella isn’t so much a story as a collection of one-page (or sometimes one-line) images and memories." - Kirsty Logan.

J.A. Tyler is the founding editor of the online quarterly Mud Luscious (2007) and Mud Luscious Press (2008), both "venues for aggressive / experimental writing.”

About Scrambler Books (+ Scrambler)
Scrambler Books is an independent micro press with the simple goal of publishing quality poetry and fiction books. Started in April, 2008, Scrambler Books is the print publishing arm of The Scrambler e-zine. Jeremy Spencer is the founding editor of Scrambler, the editor of Scrambler books is Kristianne Huntsberger. Forthcoming titles include Shane Jones poetry collection A Cake Appeared.

J.A. Tyler: Inconceivable Wilson
Novella, 2009
129 pgs., 4x6 paperback, $12
ISBN: 978-0-578-04516-0

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Cure All - Kim Parko (Caketrain)

Kim Parko’s Cure All is the first-ever out-of-competition manuscript selected for publication at Caketrain. In this collection of linked vignettes, the preoccupations that have driven Parko’s years of written invention—crises of identity, parallelisms, anthropomorphism, transformative horror, epistles, flights of poesy, philosophical interrogations, psychic penetralia—crystallize to form her finest effort to date. Shot through with mysterious reflexivity and haunted harbingers, the pieces of Cure All at once stand ably alone and reflect the whole of the larger narrative arc—a feat accomplished through the distinctive quality of Parko’s imaginative lens. Says poet Amy Gerstler: “Animated by hyperacuity of consciousness, Cure All balances on that fulcrum between smoldering control and pregnant invention, scientific observation and an exacting madness.”

Kim Parko lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her husband and dog. She teaches at the Institute of American Indian Arts. She is the author of the chapbook The Rest of the World Seems Unlikely (Achilles Chapbook Series, 2009). This is her first book.

About Caketrain
Amanda Raczkowski and Joseph Reed are the editors of Caketrain Journal and Press, a literary imprint co-founded in 2003 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Caketrain's primary efforts consist of an annual journal which, in its seven issues to date, has featured the fiction, poetry and nonfiction of over 200 new and established talents; and a press series that includes chapbooks from Lizzie Skurnick, Tina May Hall, Tom Whalen, Matt Bell, Kim Parko and Claire Hero. Caketrain's other ongoing projects include the free, digital reissue of back-catalog titles and an annual chapbook competition. In May 2010, Caketrain's press arm will issue its two new poetry chapbooks: Ben Mirov's Ghost Machine and Lucas Farrell's Bird Any Damn Kind.

Kim Parko: Cure All
a collection of linked fictions, 2010
122 pages, paperback

Monday, March 08, 2010

100 Stories for Haiti (Bridge House)

100 Stories for Haiti is a unique collection of stories bound together by paper and glue and massive amounts of hope. This is no ordinary book. One morning a writer woke up and decided, "I must do something." Hundreds of talented authors worldwide sent him their stories and the result is an anthology that anyone can enjoy.

This book was initiated by author Greg McQueen. The project website for this book is: 100 stories for Haiti. Read the starting moment of the book in "About", and visit the participating auhors in "Meet The Authors". The list of participating authors and their stories is also up: 100 Stories for Haiti - Revised List. It starts with 1. All-Or-Nothing by Nick Harakaway, and ends with 100. Haiti Before the Earthquake by Susan Partovi.
Proceeds go to helping the victims of the Haiti earthquake.

Bestselling author Nick Harkaway contributed a story and penned the book’s introduction. Tania Hershman, author of The White Road and Other Stories, and prize-winning author, Vanessa Gebbie, are also featured in the book, along with other published authors and first-timers.

About Bridge House Publishing
Bridge House Publishing was conceived by Editor Gill James in 2008. Even though they are a new publisher, they have produced by end 2009 nine titles. Realising the potential and market for well written, innovative anthologies Gill brought on board Publicist, Debz Hobbs-Wyatt and Business Administrator, Nicola Rouch.
Bridge House Publishing is a fully fledged new publishing company specialising in anthologies showcasing both new and established writing talent. Their next titles are: Twelve Days, an anthology of 12 unusual adult stories for the long dark nights of winter, and a special Charity Book Animal Anthology.

100 Stories for Haiti
story collection, 292 pages
ISBN: 978-1907335037

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

What People Say About Daily s-Press

March 19, 2010
Re: daily s-press
Just wanted you to know that the day my book appeared on Daily S-press, my amazon ranking bettered itself by over 1 million !
That is simply astounding, for the ranking to improve so drastically like that, and your display of my book was the only thing new going on during that time ! Thought you'd want to know this! A MILLION THANKS!!! - Susan Tepper, author of Deer & Other Stories

March 16, 2010
Daily s-Press
Dorothee Lang, editor of BluePrintReview, an English-language online literary journal based in Germany, began this blog in March 2010 to review new books of poetry and prose from small independent presses. The site looks beyond the usual university press prizewinners to showcase innovative writers and publishers. - Winning Writers

March 12, 2010
Glad to have you on the scene, DailysPress. Looking forward to your updates on the small-press universe. - Jen Howard , via twitter (link)

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

About Daily s-Press

Daily s-Press explores + celebrates the landscape of small+indie presses with daily book features, and is run by the editor of BluePrintReview, Dorothee Lang.

it started as a book blog that explores the landscape of new small press + indie books at the pace of 1 book a day: novels+novellas, short story collections, poetry collections, modern fiction, non-fiction, art, anthologies etc.

during 2010, 2 things changed: the posts moved to a more leisure pace while the scape of the blog widened - Daily s-Press now also includes literary web projects, first issues, and author talks.

Monday, March 01, 2010


editor AT blueprintreview DOT de
please put "sPRESS" in the header

snail mail:
Dorothee Lang
Packstation 103
73207 Plochingen

Please note that Daily s-Press can only feature a limited amount of books, and is trying to focus on current publications and web projects, thus, unfortunately can't include features on all books / book mails sent.