Vincent Fino's story was selected as best and stands as the introductory story for the new series, and is online now: Mother's Day Retreat
The other 99 stories will follow, each on an own page, with an overview at the 100x100 page.
About Marco Polo
Marco Polo is an online literary and art magazine. In addition to fiction, flash fiction (maximum word count 1500), nonfiction, narrative nonfiction, poetry, and art, they have several feature series, for example: Talk - Interviews with authors, filmmakers and artists; Camera - A photo-document document of what happens when someone borrows Marco Polo's camera and takes photos; Truffaut - Literature and art devoted to and inspired by the works and legacy of Francois Truffaut; A + A - Artists in conversation... The Founding Editor and Art Director of Marco Polo Arts Magazin is Darin Beasley, Co Founder: Brian Hitselberger, more here: about
Currently, Marco Polo has a special call up for 100 x 500 Creative Nonfictions: "Your nonfiction must be no longer or shorter than 500 words, title excluded. Break out of the mold and surprise us and yourself." The 100 best entries will be published in Marco Polo. Deadline December 31. Guidelines
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