
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Reprint Poetry

Reprint Poetry is a new online magazine - it provides an additional home to previously published poems that deserve to be read again. The aim of the magazine is to re-call, re-discover, re-turn to and re-possess these beautiful, poetic and amazing pieces at Reprint Poetry.

The magazine launched on January first. Featured poets include: Karyn Eisler, Marcus Speh, Jennifer Wong, Sam Rasnake, Wanda Morrow Clevenger, JP Reese, Ralph Ivy, Xander Mellish, Grace Curtis and many others.

About Reprint Poetry
Reprint Poetry is edited by a group of writers who are familiar with the process of e-zine publication. The editors say: "We are particularly interested in (but by no means restricted to) works that are already published but difficult to find. We also solicit works from poets we admire. And we welcome any suggestions on where to re-discover deserving poetry."

Related Links: new online magazines, poetry

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being Human: Call of the Wild (Editions Bibliotekos)

Why do we kill certain creatures while nurturing others? When do we draw the line between protecting our property and letting other creatures live and thrive? What drives people to kill others to protect their land? Many of these stories explore the lines cast under the surface of creation, characters looking for a nibble of understanding to make better sense of their place in an evolving world.

Twelve authors and fifteen stories on the nature of being human and the human character in both the natural environment and human-made world constitute this stimulating book. The stories are engaging, memorable, contemplative, and even humorous. While we have constructed, over thousands of years, a vast cathedral of scintillating, rational humanity, we can be primal and shadowy with visceral emotions – and so this collection admirably demonstrates. There are many difficult questions posed in the book.

Contributors: Stephen Poleskie, Arthur Powers, Lisa M. Sita, Andrea Vojtko, Jeff Vande Zande, James K. Zimmerman, Anne Whitehouse, Janyce Stefan-Cole, Patty Somlo, Rivka Keren, Kelly Wantuch, Larry Eby. Foreword: Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. Preface: Gregory F. Tague & Fredericka A. Jacks Edited by Scholar, Pushcart Prize Nominee, and Professor, Gregory F. Tague, Ph.D.

About Editions Bibliotekos
Editions Bibliotekos is a small press operating out of Brooklyn, NY, whose mission is to produce books of literary merit that address important issues, complex ideas, and enduring themes. Previous anthologies: "Battle Runes: Writings on War", "Common Boundary: Stories of Immigration" and "Pain and Memory: Reflections on the Strength of the Human Spirit in Suffering" (More). Editions Bibliotekos has one more planned anthology, most likely entitled (and on the theme of) "Faith and Doubt" (the Call is up).

Being Human: Call of the Wild
166 pages

related links: nature, human condition

Friday, February 10, 2012

From Colder Climates - John Sibley Williams (Folded Word)

In his poetry collection Colder Climates, John Sibley Williams explores the inner and outer landscapes encountered on a journey to Iceland. As with physical landscapes, surprising perspectives are revealed by each step. Lava and ice, civilization and wilderness, family and solitude--these apparent contradictions collide inside poems which beg to be read aloud, just as their Nordic ancestors were around Iceland's first man made fires.

For a touch of Colder Climates, try this poetry video: Rebuilding Over and Again

"I'm excited and honored to have my latest chapbook, From Colder Climates, arrive today, featuring the mysterious and fascinating artwork of Mark S Struzan," writes the author. "There are two versions, the $7 'green' edition and the $12 'signature' edition. Although both are beautifully done, I'm truly taken aback by the latter version, which incorporates so many different paper types and hand-sewn designs."

John Sibley Williams is the author of six chapbooks, winner of the HEART Poetry Award, and finalist for the Pushcart and Rumi Poetry Prizes. He has served as Acquisitions Manager of Ooligan Press and Publicist for Three Muses Press and holds an MFA in Creative Writing and MA in Book Publishing. Some of his over 200 previous or upcoming publications include: Bryant Literary Review, The Chaffin Journal,The Evansville Review, RHINO, Rosebud, Ellipsis, Flint Hills Review, and Poetry Quarterly.

About Folded Word
Folded Word is an independent press that continually seeks new ways of connecting readers to new literary voices: "Though we do sell our books and chapbooks, we offer free poetry and fiction to the public in our Twitter-zines PicFic and unFold, as well as our print broadside, Heron. We also value craftsmanship, both of literary works and the medium in which they are rendered--as demonstrated by our handcrafted Signature Series chapbooks." Folded Word is managed by J.S. Graustein with the support of Rose Auslander, Casey Murphy, and the entire Folded family of contributors.

John Sibley Williams - From Colder Climates
Green Edition $6.00 + $1 shipping
Signature Edition $12.00 + $2 shipping
e-book list price $0.99

related links: poetry, about a place

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Stepaway Magazine

Stepaway Magazine is a new, online literary magazine publishing the best urban flash fiction and poetry by writers from across the globe. The title of the magazine draws inspiration from Frank O’ Hara’s landmark flâneur poem, “A Step Away from Them”.

Editor Darren Richard Carlaw explains: "Our magazine is hungry for literature that evokes the sensory experience of walking in specific neighborhoods, districts or zones within a city. This is flânerie for the twenty-first century. Our aim is to become an online repository of walking narratives. Our writers will lead our readership through the streets of his or her chosen city in thousand words or less. We want whatever you can share."

Stepaway Magazine so far has released four issues, you can find all of them online. The current one is Stepaway issue 4, featuring poetry from different places, from Paris Haiku by Virginie Colline to Footnotees from the Gutters by Liam Pezzano and a Salt City poem by William Cordeiro, just to name a few.

A recent supplement entitled Northern Wanderer republished a lost flaneur poem by Barry MacSweeney and urged writers to wander the streets of Newcastle and record their experiences.

The magazine is open to poetry and prose submissions with an emphasis on walking in the city.

Stepaway Magazine
online literary journal

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

A Baker’s Dozen - Issue 1

A Baker’s Dozen: THIRTEEN EXTRAORDINARY THINGS appears quarterly and publishes fiction (flash, micro, traditional, etc), poetry, creative non-fiction, visual art, audio, video – whatever inspires you.

The inaugral issue is now online. It includes work by Marcus Speh, Rupert Fike, Andrew Topel (included in the feature image), Paul Hostovsky, Bruce McRae, Stephen Hastings-King, JP Reese, Allan Gorman, Linda Simona-Wastila, Kathleen Radigan, Martin Brick, Matthew Dexter and a collaborative photo series by Julia Davies, Rose Hunter, Dorothee Lang and Steve Wing.

A Baker’s Dozen is edited by Michelle Elvy and John Wentworth Chapin, who co-founded the weekly flash fiction project 52|250: A Year of Flash in 2010. Now they’re back with A Baker’s Dozen: THIRTEEN EXTRAORDINARY THINGS, which evolved out of their desire to continue to read and write and edit inside a vibrant community of writers. More, here: The Editors.

Submissions: "There are no deadlines for our regular quarterly issues, as we’ll be reading on an ongoing basis. We may create challenges or themes for future issues, however. We’ll post a deadline for those submisions."

A Baker's Dozen- issue 1
A new literary online magazine

related links: first issues, storiesart