
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Stepaway Magazine

Stepaway Magazine is a new, online literary magazine publishing the best urban flash fiction and poetry by writers from across the globe. The title of the magazine draws inspiration from Frank O’ Hara’s landmark flâneur poem, “A Step Away from Them”.

Editor Darren Richard Carlaw explains: "Our magazine is hungry for literature that evokes the sensory experience of walking in specific neighborhoods, districts or zones within a city. This is flânerie for the twenty-first century. Our aim is to become an online repository of walking narratives. Our writers will lead our readership through the streets of his or her chosen city in thousand words or less. We want whatever you can share."

Stepaway Magazine so far has released four issues, you can find all of them online. The current one is Stepaway issue 4, featuring poetry from different places, from Paris Haiku by Virginie Colline to Footnotees from the Gutters by Liam Pezzano and a Salt City poem by William Cordeiro, just to name a few.

A recent supplement entitled Northern Wanderer republished a lost flaneur poem by Barry MacSweeney and urged writers to wander the streets of Newcastle and record their experiences.

The magazine is open to poetry and prose submissions with an emphasis on walking in the city.

Stepaway Magazine
online literary journal

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