
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being Human: Call of the Wild (Editions Bibliotekos)

Why do we kill certain creatures while nurturing others? When do we draw the line between protecting our property and letting other creatures live and thrive? What drives people to kill others to protect their land? Many of these stories explore the lines cast under the surface of creation, characters looking for a nibble of understanding to make better sense of their place in an evolving world.

Twelve authors and fifteen stories on the nature of being human and the human character in both the natural environment and human-made world constitute this stimulating book. The stories are engaging, memorable, contemplative, and even humorous. While we have constructed, over thousands of years, a vast cathedral of scintillating, rational humanity, we can be primal and shadowy with visceral emotions – and so this collection admirably demonstrates. There are many difficult questions posed in the book.

Contributors: Stephen Poleskie, Arthur Powers, Lisa M. Sita, Andrea Vojtko, Jeff Vande Zande, James K. Zimmerman, Anne Whitehouse, Janyce Stefan-Cole, Patty Somlo, Rivka Keren, Kelly Wantuch, Larry Eby. Foreword: Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. Preface: Gregory F. Tague & Fredericka A. Jacks Edited by Scholar, Pushcart Prize Nominee, and Professor, Gregory F. Tague, Ph.D.

About Editions Bibliotekos
Editions Bibliotekos is a small press operating out of Brooklyn, NY, whose mission is to produce books of literary merit that address important issues, complex ideas, and enduring themes. Previous anthologies: "Battle Runes: Writings on War", "Common Boundary: Stories of Immigration" and "Pain and Memory: Reflections on the Strength of the Human Spirit in Suffering" (More). Editions Bibliotekos has one more planned anthology, most likely entitled (and on the theme of) "Faith and Doubt" (the Call is up).

Being Human: Call of the Wild
166 pages

related links: nature, human condition

1 comment:

  1. Dorothee,
    Thank you for posting this; thank you for your support. We are very happy with the book, Being Human - a year's work. Great contributors - great theme. Faith and Doubt is next, for those of you who are interested. Gregory and Fredericka
