
Friday, January 03, 2014

"Be There Now" - a collection of true travel stories

"Be There Now" is a collection of true travel stories featuring twenty-two contributors who share adventures and escapades from around the world.

The stories include the tale of an amateurish kidnapping in Nicaragua that could have been told by Woody Allen, and a David Sedaris-esque tale of two ships passing in a Paris art supply store. Existential stories from a man lost on the flooded Amazon River at night, and from a woman who encounters a grizzly–in the same area where her father and stepmother were killed by a bear.

Insightful stories about a woman’s spiritual journey in Peru (complete with hallucinogens!), and about a female journalist’s friendship with an Iraqi translator in Syria. And stories about endangered species in exotic locales, including helping a sea turtle lay its eggs on a Costa Rican beach, and taking a blind man to visit the mountain gorillas in Rwanda.

The book is available as paperback ($12) or as e-book for very travel-friendly 99 cents (link).  It's published by the indie book publisher "Dream of Things", you can find more about the book on their website: "Be There Now". 

Stories, places and authors include: 
  • Foreword by Mike O’Mary, Series Editor; Introduction by Julie Rand, Editor
  • Once in a Lifetime [Guatemala] by Terri Elders
  • Talk About “Embarrasant” [France] by Dominick Domingo
  • Día de los Muertos [Mexico] by Kathe Kokolias
  • Demon Blockers [China] by Jennifer Choban
  • Still Alive [Syria] by Kelly Hayes-Raitt
  • The Happiest Place on Earth [Disneyland] by Dina Kucera
  • Berlin [Germany] by Jennifer Lang
  • A Quick and Cozy Kidnapping [Nicaragua] by Ben Bellizzi
  • Turbulence [On a plane] by Roz Warren
  • Encounter [Alaska] by Shannon Huffman Polson
  • Perfect Pulpo [Mexico] by Suzanne LaFetra
  • Where Light Germinates [Peru] by Melissa Heisler
  • The Jigg’s Up [Newfoundland] by Carol McAdoo Rehme
  • A Trembling Voice [Costa Rica] by Frank Izaguirre
  • Horse, Horse, Tiger, Tiger [China] by Ferida Wolff
  • Open Eye [New Mexico] by Lynn Pinkerton
  • In the Footsteps of Fossey [Rwanda] by Irene Morse
  • Driving Compassionately [Bali] by Peter Marmorek
  • Pickles and Hiccups [On the way home] by Randy Richardson
  • Treks [Kathmandu] by Katherine Horrigan
  • Virtual Travel [On the Internet] by Trendle Ellwood
  • Nowhere [Drifting in the heavens] by William Hillyard

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